Friday, August 12, 2011

One week down...a lot more to go

Today completed our first week of homeschooling, and I am so pleased with the way everything went. Was it perfect? No...we still have some kinks to work out and a couple of other subjects to include (those will start in a few weeks after we are done with Nathaniel's surgery/hospital stay next week). But, overall it was a great week in my humble opinion. :)

And can I just say, I am SO proud of my kids. They all surprised me, however I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. They are great kids! We had a few tears, but not many. This is so different for all of them, and they are really just getting in there and doing everything I am asking of them.

I also love that we've been able to start routine morning quiet times, something I wish I had made a habit when I was a kid. I really think it helps get the day going smoothly for everyone and it is so exciting to see them start the day in God's Word!

Here's a few pictures from this week....I want to take more of them doing "fun" things but I just couldn't get over how diligent they were this week!


  1. Well, I'm just tickled your first week went well. I've taken your advice and started looking at homeschool philosophies. I've bought Charlotte Mason's Home Education book, but also have looked into Classical Education -- Trivium and all that. I really like Charlotte Mason, and it seems her method works hand-in-hand with a Trivium-styled classical education. I know Victoria has a long while to go (she's only 2) but it's kind of exciting to be reading up on it early.

    Your kids are beautiful. :)

  2. Thanks Amy! You are going to be a great homeschooling Mommy to little Victoria!
